Should you buy guest posts on Fiverr ?

By | October 27, 2016

It wasn’t a long time ago when I use to stare at those gigs that would “rank you on first page of google for just $5”. They are amazingly convincing, perhaps not because of what they say, but what newbies like me think of SEO.

I talked to a couple of these guest post gig providers asking for their site/blog urls. I wanted to see how useful can those backlinks be at all. Most of them replied with the links.

Fiverr guest post gigs

Fiverr guest post gigs

And then I started checking the worth of each of the site one by one, using whatever wisdom I possessed.

There are 3 things that you should always check whenever ordering a guest post or paid post or a PBN post –

1. Is the site present in Google’s index ?
2. Does the site get any organic traffic ?
3. Does the site maintain content quality ?

1. Check if the site is even indexed

Google periodically deindexes PBN and similar sites that sell guest posts publicly for sending backlinks.

Just search google like this –

If Google shows the pages from that site, it means that the site is present in google’s index and may be worthy of getting a backlink from.

If the site does not appear then it could mean either of the 2 –

1. The site is just 1-2 days old and has not yet been indexed, in which case its useless to get a backlink from it

2. The site has been delisted by google after having been identified as useless, spam or even malicious. Again its useless to get a backlink from such a site

Little inspection reveals that sites with excessive amounts of autospun articles are the ones that have been de-indexed by Google.

Google may not be able to detect a spun article, but it can definitely detect poor grammar and language which is a characteristic of autospun articles.

2. Check traffic stats on Semrush

A site that is getting organic traffic, is going good with Google. A backlink from such a good site will do good to your site too. That is the basic idea.

Semrush is a very useful tool to investigate the past and present of any site that appears in Google serps. And its very easy to use.

You do not need a paid semrush account for this. Just type in the site’s domain into semrush and check the free overview report.

semrush no traffic

semrush no traffic

Take note of the following things –

1. Does the site get any traffic at all ? It does not need a lot lot of traffic, even a little bit is more than enough.

2. Is there any sudden sharp fall in traffic in the past. It could indicate some sort of a penalty. Could be either Panda, or Penguin, or both, or even a manual penalty.

For most of the Fiverr gig sites, I noticed that they have a “BIG ZERO – 0” traffic and rank for only about 5-10 strange and very unusual keywords, that are not even proper english words.

Conclusion ? – To me such sites do not feel like good targets for getting a backlink.

However, if you manage to find a site that has a decent traffic curve, then you have achieved something. You may want to go ahead and order a paid post on that site.

Sites that have no traffic at all or saw a sharp dip in the traffic sometime in the past are really not the good ones you should go after. Such sites are not good even for Tier 2 or Tier 3.

3. Check the site itself

Most of these guest post sites or PBN sites are made solely for selling backlinks. As a result little effort is put in them to maintain content quality.

Most of the posts would be spun articles, and also very low quality spinning. If you are planning to place a backlink to your main or money site then you need to be extra careful.

Placing links in the wrong place can actually do more harm than good, though the chances depend on how badly or goodly you do it.

Buying around 5-10 PBN backlinks generally should not be too risky, unless you are misfortunate enough to land a manual Google inspection.

Fiverr does have a few high quality guest post gigs, but you need time to find them. If you are not too sure about the quality then you can always use them for Tier 2.


I doubt if you can find and buy quality PBN links from Fiverr. $5 is a price lucrative enough to encourage people into bombing the sites for backlinks and this is precisely what is happening. Over time, the sites get saturated with autospun articles.

All sorts of people are buying these backlinks, including affiliate marketers, bloggers, seo agencies and everyone else who needs a backlink.

So did you buy any of those guest post or PBN backlinks. Then share you experience in the comments below.


Should you buy guest posts on Fiverr ?
  1. Naveed Iqbal

    i have bought some pbn domains from my friend but does not know hot to use them….this is useful article for me…can you plz explain how to use pbn domains for ranking….thnx

    1. Silver Moon Post author

      Setup simple wordpress blogs on each of the pbn domains and publish quality articles. Then you can link to your main money sites from each of these pbn blogs to boost rankings.

  2. Luy

    Thank for this post, I am reviewing my option of getting link from Fiverr but now after seeing this, I may need to stay away. The next question is where can I get quality link say for 50$ or less per link?

  3. Callous Mind

    You can always use PBN links or questionable guest posting sites to link to your Web 2.0 or other tier 1 web properties. You can also use PBN domains as redirects or in a redirect stack. A lot of possibilities exist.

  4. Lakewood

    There are some hidden gems on Fiverr but most gigs are terrible and do more harm than good. I wish there were some sellers that build up high-quality backlinks rather than mass producing spun blogs based in India that no one ever reads.

  5. Unobtanium

    Thanks for the post, I did exactly what you mentioned for 5 gigs, and 3 of them were good whereas other 2 were not good link providers at all.
    Thanks for the information once again.

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